Friday, January 12, 2007


Sorry I haven't posted anything for so long it's been a hectic couple of weeks...

Having survived nine weeks aboard the ship, I made it to Halley at last. On new years day a big red plane on skis whisked me up to the base where I was greeted by a shiny skidoo, and towed along behind to my new home on stilts.

Here's a taster of my new home... (more news of what I've been up to soon, I promise!)

This is where I live: The Laws platform.

My new office: The Simpson Platform.

This is me on my way to work, enjoying the sunshine and
below, fellow meteorologist Kirsty, on her way to work on a more typical antarctic day.

The carpark.

Dave hard at work measuring ozone levels with the Dobson Spectrometer, we do this several times a day. These measurements have been done here since the 1950's and helped us spot the ozone hole.


SusanE said...

Why are the houses on stilts and are the floors cold?

Anonymous said...

Hi Tamsin,

can I get permission to use this photo of Dave and the spectrometer on a poster that we are producing for International Polar Year?

Please email me at heather (at)

Thank you!

Anonymous said...
