It's dark outside
Me, Deano, Sune Jimbo and Tom (taking the photo) putting skidoos to sleep for the winter months. They're kept on a sledge to stop them getting buried and wrapped up under tarpaulins to stop them filling up with snow.
Our morning hour of painfully bright light 20cm form our faces, to 'reset our body clocks in the absence of natural light'. Thankfully it's only for two weeks at a time, in the name of medical research.
Dear Tamsin
I find your blog really fascinating when I dip in every now and again. ive just been staying with an old friend who walked the last degree to the south pole around the millenium, so talking to her brought some things more to life.
Another old friend went to the BAS before I met him in 1974, he was on the last group that used huskies.
The photos of aurora look really amazing, but Im not as fit as friend Madelaine and not into dragging tyres around fields to get that way, so I'll continue to enjoy it vicariously.
Keep up the good blog.! Love soob
(Judith Deb and Stephens mum)
Imagine the subliminal commands being fed to you by the Z-doc's evil mind. "Take my gash assignment." "Clean my room." "Measure every sustrugi on the base." Oh, the horror.
Hi, my name is Leighton, and I'm with PBS (public television) in the United States. I love your blog and would love to lend it a wider audience. Please email me when you have a chance: Thanks!
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