Wednesday, September 05, 2007

A guided tour...

Of other peoples' blogs!

To find out all about what happened at Halley in the action packed month of August and to see some fabulously cute Emperor penguins (which I shall hopefully be visiting soon) follow the link to Ant's blog.

If you're bored of flat white scenery and would like to have a gander at the stunning mountains of the Antarctic Peninsula, go to Rob's blog and follow the link to his website. There you'll find some mind-blowing photos from his latest climbing/gravity-assisted skiing trip.

As for me, don't worry, I won't be slacking like this for much longer. Have been busy lately flying the blimp (including under the stars and aurora on Sunday night), watching some really bright and active aurora on Saturday, giving a science talk to the base (complete with volunteers and demos in good old explainer style) and thrashing Rothera (the British base on the peninsula) at darts.

Coming up in the near future... more blimp action, penguin trips and better blog posts!