I haven't updated my blog for ages. That's because I've been ...

Watching buffalos and warthogs drinking at a waterhole,

chilling on a beach on the deserted Wild coast,
trying not to get eaten by an Elephant,

Canoeing down a stunning gorge,

Resting my weary backside after pony trekking to a remote village in Lesotho and...
looking back over the Drakensburg mountains from half way up the Sani pass that crosses the border to Lesotho.

I've also been playing with cute Basotho kids that loved posing for photos,
launching myself down a waterfall zipline course,

Riding an elephant

Making mud bricks and smearing them with cow dung,

And kite surfing...look, I'm actually standing up (it's harder than it looks).

enough excuses.
Off to Namibia tomorrow so will try and update in a couple of weeks time. After Namibia, Barcelona...see you soon!
Your kind of me hero.
Delete the Merr comment, it leads to a sketchy browser killing page.
Oh my... that looks like the adventure of a lifetime but then again I may say that about something else you get up to...
Nice collection! Thanks for posting em.
Where in Lesotho were you? I haven't been there in years!
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Wonderful site! Love the pictures.
nice site you have there!
Great Penguins Picture(Jan 31st)! As my only experience with them was seeing Madagascar 2, this was a wonderful site!
Breathtaking Adventures, Congratulations!
wow...i love to be in your shoes...can u take me with u next time you travel!!!....plssssssss...xd
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dear....u such a amazing ....yaar ur photos my god...its been a wonderful way to see the earth and etc.....wahhhhoo
keep it up...
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Outstanding blog with fascinating pictures..thanks for sharing..the photographs are almost a poetry..http://subhadip-writerscolumn.blogspot.com/
Wow!I like you adventure.
i my name is ana and i am exploring the world of blogs and i discover you... i cánt understand every things in inglish, because i am a portuguese tenage... but your photos are kind of brilliant, so magnifican, so pure! that kind of photos i only see it in magazin and news paper or tv but see you in that paisages give it to them sometting more realistic...
you probabli love to travell i love too... enjoy your life becaiuse we only just have one... kisses
your blog is the best one i've ever come across! THANKS for all the awesome posts! (:
you seem to be juggling a lot...i'd love to be in your place;)and i loved the pictures!
Look who's travelling..I wish i could do the same..but i am stuck here...:(
ohho! very nice scene.. i hope to be there too! 1 day perhaps~ =X
Good pictures
youve got an amazing job!
You are the luckiest person in the world to travel so much! Wow.
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What a amazing experience...Thanks for sharing it!
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